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Explore the transformative potential of Tesla’s Dojo Supercomputer as Morgan Stanley predicts a staggering $600 billion market cap boost. Discover the cutting-edge technology driving Tesla’s future growth and its impact beyond the automotive industry.

Tesla's Dojo Supercomputer: Unleashing a $600 Billion Market Cap Surge, According to Morgan Stanley
Tesla’s Dojo Supercomputer: Unleashing a $600 Billion Market Cap Surge, According to Morgan Stanley

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In a groundbreaking development, Tesla’s cutting-edge supercomputer, Dojo, designed for training AI models for autonomous vehicles, is poised to provide the electric vehicle manufacturer with an exceptional “asymmetric advantage,” potentially leading to a staggering increase in market capitalization by nearly $600 billion, equivalent to a 76% surge, as estimated by Morgan Stanley. This bold assertion comes as Tesla embarked on the production of Dojo in July and commits to an investment exceeding $1 billion through the next year.

  • Tesla’s Dojo supercomputer is projected to potentially boost the company’s market capitalization by an impressive $600 billion, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping the company’s future growth.
  • Dojo’s capabilities extend far beyond autonomous vehicles, opening up new markets and applications that leverage its advanced AI technology, which enables vehicles to autonomously “see” and “react.”
  • Morgan Stanley predicts a substantial increase in revenue from Tesla’s network services business, with estimates reaching $335 billion by 2040, driven by emerging opportunities in third-party fleet licensing and increased Average Revenue Per User (ARPU).
  • The supercomputer is expected to drive significant value in software and services, revolutionizing Tesla’s operations and contributing to the company’s core earnings, positioning it as a key player in the AI-driven future of transportation and beyond.
Tesla's Dojo Supercomputer


Unveiling Dojo’s Potential and Its Impact on Tesla’s Growth

Tesla’s Dojo supercomputer, recently launched, is anticipated to be a game-changer that extends beyond traditional vehicle sales, creating new addressable markets driven by advanced AI capabilities. This innovation, according to Morgan Stanley analysts, led by Adam Jonas, could revolutionize industries and open doors for various applications beyond automotive use, powered by the ability of Dojo to enable vehicles to “see” and “react” autonomously.

Market Capitalization Projection

Morgan Stanley upgrades Tesla’s stock recommendation from “equal-weight” to “overweight,” positioning it as their “top pick,” surpassing even Ferrari’s U.S.-listed shares. The analysis forecasts a potential market capitalization boost of nearly $600 billion, taking Tesla’s estimated value to approximately $1.39 trillion, compared to its current market value of about $789 billion.

Tesla's Dojo Supercomputer


Dojo’s Value in Software and Services

 Analysts anticipate that Dojo’s primary value will be realized in software and services, transforming the way Tesla operates and generates revenue. This includes enhancing the performance of Tesla’s autonomous driving technology and opening new revenue streams.

Revenue from Network Services

 Morgan Stanley’s Adam Jonas revises revenue estimates for Tesla’s network services business, projecting a substantial increase to $335 billion by 2040, compared to the previous forecast of $157 billion. It is expected that this segment will contribute over 60% of Tesla’s core earnings by 2040, nearly doubling its share from 2030.

Tesla’s Dojo Supercomputer: Third-Party Fleet Licensing and Increased ARPU

The anticipated revenue growth in Tesla’s network services business is attributed to emerging opportunities in third-party fleet licensing and an increase in Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), further enhancing the company’s financial outlook.

Tesla’s Dojo supercomputer is poised to be a catalyst for remarkable growth, not only in the automotive sector but also in various industries benefiting from AI-driven technologies, as projected by Morgan Stanley. This development has significant implications for Tesla’s market capitalization and its role in shaping the future of autonomous transportation and beyond.

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